We got here because of you. Through your donations to two kickstarter campaigns we have raised over $30,000. Thanks for your support! You can continue to support the free and original content by donating today.
We may have had ideas about what to film in Minnesota. But we don’t know what’s happening in Texas in June, Detroit in September or Florida in November… and for that we need you. We want you to help tell this story. Is your CSA farmer particularly awesome? Is your neighbor into foraging? What awesome local fish do you buy? Tell us about the most charismatic food hero and the most unique community garden. We want this journey to be guided by you.
We’re coming to your town and we need your help. Time to gather together your friends and family for a celebration of food and community. You can either:
Attend an event: We have dinners, demos and screenings planned around the country. Attend one of our many events in YOUR TOWN.
Host a Dinner (We’ll cook): This can be a fundraiser for you or for us. You’ll need three things to make this happen:
- A guest list of 20-30 people
- Funding for the cost of the food (consider getting this donated or charging a fee for attendance)
- A location with a sufficient dining and kitchen space to accommodate the number of guests you’re expecting
Host an Event: We would love to come speak, do a cooking demo, Q & A, or film screening (we’ll have a 30 minute version of the Minnesota series available). All we need from you is to reserve an appropriate location and cover whatever costs are associated with the event.
We want to keep the costs down on this trip and we want to meet lots of people. And it’s just us two (Daniel and Mirra). So, if you have a place for us to sleep (be it a couch or a B&B) let us know. If you own a restaurant or love to cook at home, invite us in. We’d love to get to know you.
There are some thing we need for this trip, and your donations will help make this happen. But if you or someone you know works for a company that makes any of the following things and wants to sponsor the trip, e-mail me directly at daniel (at) : efficient car (currently planning on driving an old Subaru), gas, camping gear, camera equipment, computer equipment (hard drives) or if they just want their company/organization to support our work.