We Need Your Help

What a week!

Thank you to everyone for sharing the new site/video. We’ve had over 15,000 views and have received hundreds of story ideas (which we will post soon)!

We’ve had over 250 story suggestions submitted online. The majority of them, thus far, have been about CSAs, Urban Gardens, and Small Farms — which is great. But we also really need to know about the food and food techniques that are UNIQUE to each state/area of town. If youre from Arkansas — tell us about a traditional food (using local ingredients) that a neighbor makes, or if you’re from Long Island, point us in the direction of a good clam diver. Clue us in to what the locals know! We would be ever so grateful… and it would make the trip planning a lot easier. Thanks so much!

To all 115 of you who donated: Thank You! Although there was an initial rush of funds to our Kickstarter campaign, it has been slowing. We can’t let that happen. If we don’t reach our goal, we don’t get any of the donated funds and we can’t make Season 2.

How much is an episode of The Perennial Plate worth to you? How much was your lunch yesterday – $10? Your latte – almost $5?! That’s all we are asking… with the money that you wouldn’t think about spending on a couple drinks, you can support FREE, INFORMATIVE, ENTERTAINING and INDEPENDENT content.

And finally a shout out to Ben in Portland who donated this week and wrote: “…Even though I’m a broke-ass undergrad student, I had to throw a ten spot your way so you can embark on your next adventure.”

Please follow Ben’s lead. If everyone on this list gave just $10, we would reach our goal today. DONATE HERE!