From Colorado to Ireland, Jet Lag and Babies

As you may have noticed, we are still putting out Colorado videos. We have 4 more to go (and a bonus video or two down the road).  But even though we are still in Colorado in video land, we are off this week to Ireland in the real world.


Though very excited, it will be our first flight across the pond with James, and thus we are also a little nervous.  Usually getting on the plane is a chance to sit back and watch a few movies or read a book; this time it’ll be chasing a toddler down the aisle, entertaining him with an endless stream of snacks and trying to convince myself that it’s ok for him to watch the latest action movie on the screen in front of him… and that will only be the flight to DC.


Perhaps I’m being a wimp. My mom did it alone many a time with three little boys.  And when the flight is through, we’ll be in Ireland — the green and majestic land where half the US has “ancestors” – myself included.  It’ll be interesting to see how jet lag affects James.  As with most things that I don’t like, I figure he won’t either. But at least we love him enough to not let him roam the streets of Dublin while we sleep.


So, anyone have any advice on flying and jet lag for babies/toddlers?  We are all ears.


The stories are coming together for Ireland, and they are wonderful.  That being said, with the Irish accent, we probably could have just brought our camera to the pub, recorded people telling stories and called it a day.